
Psychotherapy is generally fundamental to the treatment process. There are many forms of psychotherapy. Non judgmental, respectful and mindful listening is common to all forms of psychotherapy.

In cognitive-behavioral treatment the focus is on identifying and gaining understanding and control of underlying thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that create distress and dysfunction. One then learns to replace them with more realistic and beneficial thoughts and beliefs. Dysfunctional behaviors are challenged and gradually modified with support and coping strategies.

In psychodynamic psychotherapy the focus is on developing insight. Through the process of uncovering underlying emotional states, feelings and longings a person becomes consciously aware of how unconscious forces, conflicts and motivations play out in life. The goal is self understanding, maturation and a greater ability to make conscious choices.

In interpersonal psychotherapy the focus is on the relationships and roles played in a person’s life that are conflictual and need understanding and active problem solving.

The psychotherapy of trauma includes the above but extends it into other specific modalities such as hypnosis and EMDR to achieve healing.

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